Architecture Studio 3

Module Learning Outcomes :
- Identify and explain different spatial types in architecture, and how they inform spatial use and experience.
- Create tectonic expressions of different spatial typologies which impact on the uses and experiential conditions of space.
- Generate design through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materiality and textures.
-Produce site analysis which document, interpret and analyze the physical conditions of the site and ‘genius loci’ of place and generate design based on the unique character and conditions of the site context.
-Design and present a small scale community building which responds to the site (site topography, history and socio-cultural events), a functional programme and users’ experiences.

Click the links below to view each projects .

Project 1 : Journey of the 5 senses

Project 2 : Genius Loci - Site Analysis and Concept Developements

Project 3 : Genius Loci - Visitors Interpretive Centre